"I am very proud and honoured to be the Chair of the CanDo Trust. Having a son experience Leukaemia when he was five was emotionally devastating and extremely difficult financially, adding to the enormous pressure placed on our family. I want to help make a difference for others experiencing the impact of cancer and make their lives a little easier. The Committee members of the CanDo Cancer Trust are very dedicated and it is a pleasure to work with them for this worthwhile cause."
"As one of the Oncologists at the North Coast Cancer Institute, I see patients who face these challenges daily. Being a member of this committee was an opportunity to be able to assist people facing a very difficult time of their lives."
"As a member of the Coffs Coast Freemason association, who are major sponsors, I have been actively fundraising for CanDo since its formation. Cancer disrupts and causes so much distress in families. By providing assistance to cancer patients in our local community the CanDo Cancer Trust can relieve some of the financial burdens that can be experienced during a long course of treatment."
"I joined the Coffs Coast & Clarence CanDo Cancer Trust as I saw the opportunity to expand my community support from sporting activities to one which touches so many people. The Trust is a great source of financial support for local people and I am pleased to be able to assist in making it a great success."
"We will all be touched by the effects of cancer on someone we know at some time in our lives. The CanDo Cancer Trust is a way of offering tangible support to families in our community as they face the added financial burden that prolonged illness and treatment brings. It is a privilege to have the chance to assist the committee with their fundraising efforts."
"In October 2009, the Coffs/Clarence CanDo Cancer Trust was born. The Nurse Unit Manager of the NCCI wanted to put together a committee with the aim of raising money to financially support patients attending for treatment. Having a cancer diagnosis is stressful and an accompanying problem with finance can be detrimental. At that time I was attending the Unit with my wife and heard there were plans to set up this support. I immediately proposed that I and my friends at the Coffs Harbour Masonic Lodge raise $100,000 to finance the Trust. It has been a wonderful experience and I have enjoyed working with the committee and organising numerous fundraisers."
"I joined CanDo as a way to help those fighting cancer, and their families. I am particularly concerned with the emerging trend of younger people being diagnosed with cancer. Doing something positive such as helping CanDo raise funds to assist sufferers gives me tremendous satisfaction knowing that even in a small way I have helped to raise their spirits of those fighting this cruel disease. Whenever I use to hear of someone being diagnosed with cancer I previously felt powerless to help, now thanks to CanDo I can do something about it and there is no greater satisfaction than being able to do something positive that directly helps those in our community."
After working the background of CanDo for over 10 years Chris jumped at the opportunity to fill his wife Kerry Hines' position on the committee after losing her battle with this insidious disease. Kerry's fight with cancer and attendance at the NCCI allowed Chris to see first hand the stress brought about financial pressures to patients attending the Institute. Chris devotes his spare time in keeping Kerry's legacy alive.
"My interest in the CanDo Cancer Trust stems from 20 years of work in Palliative Care and Oncology. A diagnosis of cancer creates instability and stress to a patient and their family. There may be job loss, need for travel or changes in lifestyle. Finances should not cause further stress and can now be supported by the Trust. I applaud all the Trust members who have come aboard with great enthusiasm to support patients and families of the North Coast Cancer Institute."